











On Saturday, September 14, we will block the A12 again, three days before the cabinet presents the government policy for the coming year on Budget Day. In our shadow throne speech from the A12, we show that this cabinet must put an end to fossil subsidies.

The plans of the cabinet do not give any priority to the phasing out of fossil subsidies. The government is therefore missing a major opportunity to improve social security, housing, public transport and education, which are high on the political agendas of the government parties.

The plans of this cabinet start by stating the intention to ‘earn back the trust of Dutch people by working hard and taking people’s concerns seriously’.

On September 14 we will show how the government can achieve this. Namely: by stopping subsidizing stock market listed companies with largely foreign shareholders with tens of billions per year.

"Shift subsidies away from fossil fuels to protect the poor and most vulnerable people and communities."

António Guterres – Secretaris-General Verenigde Naties 

time for action!

By choosing to maintain fossil subsidies, the government is further escalating the global climate and ecological crisis, causing more and more victims of climate disasters, especially in the Global South, and causing irreversible damage to ecosystems.

There is a good chance that global warming will exceed 1.5°C as early as 2024. From then on, there is a great risk of activating irreversible climate tipping points, which will cause a domino effect in global warming, with all the irreversible and catastrophic consequences that entails.

According to the IPCC, this could even cause sea levels to rise by more than 2 meters by the end of this century. On Saturday, September 14, we will block the A12 to demand an end to fossil subsidies and fight for a fair climate policy!



Share this campaign on social media to ensure that there are as many people as possible on September 14.

>> Heb je 3 minuten?

Maak zelf een post over de fossiele subsidies of de A12-blokkade. Hieronder vind je afbeeldingen en teksten die je daarbij kunt gebruiken.

6 april blokkeer ik de A12. Ik ben boos, teleurgesteld, bang. Onze overheid blijft weigeren om 39,7 – 46,4 miljard euro aan jaarlijkse kortingen voor de fossiele industrie te schrappen. Terwijl 72% van de Nederlanders vóór afschaffing is en de klimaatverandering in hoog tempo doorzet.

Het demissionaire kabinet heeft begin februari plannen gepresenteerd om de fossiele subsidies af te bouwen, maar die zullen niet voor 2030 gerealiseerd zijn. Dat is te laat. Overal ter wereld zijn mensen nu al slachtoffer van droogte, voedseltekorten en overstromingen. Wereldwijd nam de populatiegrootte van vissen, vogels, zoogdieren en reptielen sinds 1970 met 69% af.

Ik wil dat iedereen op aarde een toekomst heeft. Ik wil zorg dragen voor kwetsbare bevolkingsgroepen en het laatste restje natuur. Maar ik kan het niet alleen, ik heb jou nodig om mee te doen, om samen te strijden, om hoop te houden. Daarom vraag ik je om sámen met mij van de overheid te eisen dat de fossiele subsidies direct beëindigd worden.

Op 6 april om 12:00 lopen we dan met andere bezorgde maar strijdvaardige mensen vanuit verschillende plekken in Den Haag in marsen naar de A12. Deze bezetten we. We herhalen onze eis: afschaffing van de fossiele subsidies. Doe mee!


Ik ben boos! Op 6 april blokkeer ik daarom de A12 om een eind aan de fossiele subsidies te eisen. €39,7-46,4 miljard aan jaarlijkse kortingen vanuit de overheid voor fossiele bedrijven. We jagen de wereldwijde klimaat en ecologische crisis aan met dit beleid en dat moet stoppen.


Participate in the support demonstration at the next action along the A12.


Take an action training at Extinction Rebellion and join the next action in The Hague to demand an end to fossil subsidies.


These are the tax credits for companies that use a lot of oil, gas and coal. When you think of ‘subsidy’ you quickly think of money you receive from the government, but discounts are just as much of a gift. These can be seen as a subsidy, because they will cause companies to use more oil, gas and coal.

Including companies such as Tata Steel, Shell and KLM. But also consider shipping, generators of fossil electricity, and large consumers of fossil energy such as fertilizer makers.

For a better overview, you can view the study by Milieudefensie, which examined the top 10 major polluting companies.

While you pay neat energy taxes, companies that use a lot of oil, gas and coal receive enormous tax discounts. Think of Shell, Tata Steel and KLM. This costs every taxpayer (including you) €5,000 per year! That’s unfair.

We can also use this money to tackle the housing shortage, pay healthcare workers decently and make all homes energy efficient, instead of giving it to the shareholders of these companies.

In addition, large companies are exacerbating the climate and ecological crisis that the CEOs and shareholders themselves are hardly affected by. Its consequences fall on ordinary people, in the form of climate disasters, famine and extreme weather.

This is currently happening mainly in the Global South, but we are also increasingly feeling the consequences in the Netherlands. Consider the floods in Limburg, the impact of heat waves on the elderly, people with chronic diseases or people living in poorly insulated homes on a heat island in the city, and farmers who suffer from water shortages.

No, that will not happen, as long as the money released by abolishing fossil subsidies is distributed fairly.

By investing the money that is released smartly, for example in better care, making houses energy efficient or free public transport, the life of the average Dutch person will not become more expensive at the bottom line.

Abolishing these discounts may lead to some jobs disappearing, but many new jobs will also be created.

Companies that work sustainably and energy efficiently will be happy, and there is already a dire shortage of people there. There are countless unfilled vacancies, for example for installation technicians or environmental experts.

That is why the money released by abolishing fossil subsidies must be invested in retraining people, while maintaining their income.

For years the government has concealed exactly how much discount they give. At first it was said to be €4.5 billion, later researchers turned out to €17 billion. Then it became €37.5 billion. At the beginning of September 2023, the government said the amount is between €39,7 and €46,4 billion per year.